Capture and share the photo with address, date, time, location(GPS lat/long) and remarks details in a single click!!!
This application allows user to take a photo and create a watermark on it with landmark-address, GPS coordinates, date and time of the location where photo was taken and share the same over WhatApp and other applications very easily. This can be used as a record as one can share/print the photo as a record with all details mentioned to the bottom of the photo as a watermark.
Step 1: Click on the "TAKE LOCATION PHOTO" to see phone camera is loaded.
Step 2: Click the photo and confirm by pressing tick mark or 'Ok'.
Step 3: Type your remarks to be added.
Step 4: Click on the 'SHARE' button.
Step 5: Choose the application to be shared.
Step 6: User has to select the contact to whom this has to be shared and send it